
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Episode Bonus 11: Pokemon and Elden Ring
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
It has been awhile since we uploaded some episodes, but we're still here and talking about more video game stuff, especially the Pokemon Gen 4 remakes and FromSoftware's upcoming Elden Ring!

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Episode Bonus 10: Catching Up On Gaming Events Post-2020
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Wow, for whatever reason, this is being uploaded much later than intended! This episode was actually sitting ready for upload but somehow flew under the radar! We talk about the Skyward Sword HD and the 2020 Game Awards (yes, it's THAT late of a notice). We only noticed because we were just about to upload a new episode!

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Episode 18: GameStop News Recap
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Although this was recorded quite a few months ago, much of the topics discussed is still relevant now for GameStop, or if anything, brings into more detail with how employees dealt with changes that were happening with the onset of the pandemic. In this episode, we have new guests FDO (at the time, recently left GameStop) and Marketing (who was still working there).
We talked about the TikTok Competition, GME Stocks, courier change from UPS to FedEx, working during the release of PS5/XSX, changing to the new bestsellers game displays format and working the holidays - all during the pandemic (along with how some stores initially handled opening, if they opened, in the beginning). Also...you'll hear some knocking partway in - there were people working on the roof that we weren't aware of ahead of time, but that doesn't last very long relative to the entire recording.

Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Game Talk: PlayStation Sequels - God of War
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
And we're back! We recorded this episode way back in January 27, but due to a lot of life things, it just wasn't finished editing until recently. This is quite a long one as we discuss PlayStation Exclusives (or in the case of Horizon, previously exclusive) and predict where the sequel may take the games; as such, we've split this recording into 3 segments (although you can listen to it in full on our YouTube channel!)
This segment focuses on God of War and we have Cyrus joining in again (with the full team)!
Disclaimer: We discuss a lot of additional Nordic lore!

Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Game Talk: PlayStation Sequels - Spider-Man
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
And we're back! We recorded this episode way back in January 27, but due to a lot of life things, it just wasn't finished editing until recently. This is quite a long one as we discuss PlayStation Exclusives (or in the case of Horizon, previously exclusive) and predict where the sequel may take the games; as such, we've split this recording into 3 segments (although you can listen to it in full on our YouTube channel!)
This segment focuses on Spider-Man and we have Cyrus joining in again (with the full team)!
Disclaimer: Tradehold goes into some nerdy Spider-Man comic book lore!

Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Game Talk: PlayStation Sequels - Horizon
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
And we're back! We recorded this episode way back in January 27, but due to a lot of life things, it just wasn't finished editing until recently. This is quite a long one as we discuss PlayStation Exclusives (or in the case of Horizon, previously exclusive) and predict where the sequel may take the games; as such, we've split this recording into 3 segments (although you can listen to it in full on our YouTube channel!)
This segment focuses on Horizon, which isn't a very long discussion since Horizon is a completely new IP that doesn't use any previous established lore to go on! At the time, Distro and Cashwrap had not completed Horizon, so this first segment is only with Cyrus and Tradehold!

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Game Talk: Yakuza w/ Tradehold
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Debuting our new segment, Game Talk! Starting with the Yakuza series, in tandem with the new Yakuza: Like A Dragon release (Time Stamps below for topics)! Because we're not all always available at the same time, it becomes difficult, especially near the end of the year, to schedule a podcast, so Game Talk is a new segment where any of us can host a game topic of discussion and invite anyone else to join, without needing another CS member to be present (though they still can be).
This discussion on Yakuza brings up a lot of topics though remains spoiler free to much of anyone listening (for the most part, unless specified). This recording was meant to be published 2 weeks ago but due to many different circumstances including internet outage and editing, but what better day than Yakuza: Like A Dragon's release right? We also have this uploaded on YouTube!
Because our guests were out-of-state/country, there was a lot of delay in responses, hence why editing was done (roughly 10 mins of silence was edited out) - there were also spots that sounds like they were edited, but was actually due to mic drop-out. The recording format also of back-and-forth, as opposed to a more lively discussion, was also due to our equipment not built to handle group calls.
Time Stamps:
Our backgrounds on the series - 2:44
Start with Yakuza Kiwami or Yakuza 0? 6:06
Will they make a Kiwami 3? 8:21
Thoughts on gameplay change for Yakuza: Like A Dragon - 11:40
Will they remaster and localize the spin-off games (some spoilers mentioned here for Ishin)? 22:37
Dubbing - 34:58
Wrapping up - 48:17

Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Profiles: Cashwrap
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Our next Profiles segment, this time focused on our soothe-singer Cashwrap! Initially, we didn't plan on having these Profiles back-to-back and wanted some normal episodes in-between (we have plenty of topics left, trust us), but we all really wanted to try the hot sauces!
Again, this is an homage to Hot Ones, though Cashwrap chose to go with boneless chicken this time! With a few minor tweaks to the Hot Ones format!
This is actually a video recording that is only available on our YouTube channel; no faces again, because as we've mentioned before, preventing any possible legal issues (again, we know, it's not as fun without seeing the facial reaction; maybe in the future)!

Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Profiles: Distro
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Our official 1-year anniversary since recording episode and a brand new segment! Our Profiles segment in which we focus and learn more about any members or guests, following the Hot Ones format with a few of our own tweaks, and we're starting with Distro!
This is actually a video recording that is only available on our YouTube channel; no faces though, because as we've mentioned before, preventing any possible legal issues (yes, we know, it's not as fun without seeing the facial reaction; maybe down the line)!
Our 1-year anniversary was actually 2 months ago, but between the current global circumstances and waiting until we were all able to be present, it was delayed until now.

Sunday May 31, 2020
Episode Bonus 09: Sony and Sega Announcements
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sony's PlayStation 5 event is fast-approaching with a claim of a "strong" video game line-up, while Sega is teasing a major announcement for the same day (or is it?); although Cashwrap is MIA again, we have another former coworker, Shrink, joining us in the discussion!
Also, we mentioned something exciting last episode, but we are now officially on Spotify!